The Beautiful Canada Jay

Canada's National Bird In August, 2016 Canadians voted on which bird would become Canada's official National Bird. The top 5 contenders were the Canada Jay more commonly known as the Gray Jay, the common loon, the snowy owl, the Canada goose, and the black capped chickadee. Which one would be our countries representative, and all that it encompasses?  From the north to the south; from the east to the west, which of our birds could it possibly be?  Could it really be the Gray Jay? What is that bird?  Isn't it interesting that the [...]

By |2017-04-08T08:45:37-03:00April 6th, 2017|Gaspe Penisula|1 Comment

Photographing Moose in the Gaspésie Peninsula

Wilderness and Nature Artist – Jacqueline Verge Some of our sightings were at a distance (across a lake), some closer (across a pond), while others were incredibly close (a mere 30 feet). On one occasion, we watched from close by as a large bull and cow moose courted in a stand of tall spruce. He pawed up a huge section of the forest floor marking his territory and courtship area. She responded by coming next to him brushing up against him and settling down onto the overturned moss. When other bulls tried to sneak in, we watched in awe as he [...]

By |2017-04-03T22:12:02-03:00October 10th, 2016|Gaspe Penisula|2 Comments
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