Jacqueline Verge


When Jackie paints wildlife the finished painting comes from a host of resources. First, she observes the animal, studying it’s behavior and how it interacts with its environment. Then, she will sketch the subject in several poses as references for the actual painting.


Both of the above are often interrupted as she clicks away on her mega – zoom camera capturing color, lighting, extra poses, detailed close-ups, and so on. Many works require several encounters with the subject over a period of days. As we all know, most animals just won’t stand still, or for that matter stay around!


Then off to her studio she goes … out comes the paints, brushes and a canvas. Over the next few weeks an amazing transformation occurs, as globs of paint meet and blend, are whisked up by fine sable bristles, caressed across canvas in layer upon layer … on the final day supper is missed … why is it so hard to see? … oh it’s dark outside … what time is it anyway?… Then, in the wee hours of the morning it’s finished!
